“Super Bloom,” is an immersive gallery experience by Quinn Faylor presented by Playground Detroit during Detroit Month of Design 2024. Their exhibition of meticulously crafted 3D sculptures and paintings are grounded in vibrant abstraction and imaginative world-building. Created through processes including CNC and lap joinery manufacturing, the sculptures' lively colors and dynamic forms draw viewers into an exhilarating realm, inviting reflections on personal identity as an assemblage of continuous parts.
These works explore the embodiment of queerness and celebrate the extraordinary potential within relationships. The symbolic lap joinery in these sculptures emphasizes balance and trust. These forms represent both personal and collective growth into new spaces.”
The flagship piece’s larger than life loops and petals are composed in a natural arrangement while earthy greens and corals softly contrast. Faylor’s stars, grass, flowers and trees represent where the body finds relief from the sting of adulting.
All The Way Up (child) dreams of climbing peaks where the mountain’s yellow green offsets the sky’s blue. Scribbled white strings, both painted and 3D, break the matte colorblocking affording some movement.
Daydreamin (child) reads like an abstract painting pulled off the canvas to fully dimensional swirls and strokes. Airbrushing creates variation in values allowing further depth.
I always appreciate a view into an artist’s process. Faylor works out a composition in this paper maquette then takes the discussion further in the video interview for paid subscribers below.
For Detroit Month of Design, participating exhibitions blend the art of expression with an interior aesthetic. Faylor’s carefully planned structures strike playfully exuberant as visitors are plunged into 3D renderings of childhood imaginings. There are (mother) companion pieces but these (child) forest bathing sculptures remember a place and time when life was magical.
Video Interview with Quinn Faylor
In a positively delightful interview, Quinn took a few moments to talk about their work and explain their process. I love visiting during installation because making the work is one thing. Curating and installing is an equally important component to a successful exhibition.